The St. Stanislaus/St Margaret pro-life group, the Knights of Columbus and the Wardsville LIons Club work together to sponsor our annual Walk for Life in the Fall of the year, following the 10:30 Mass. Date for 2023 is Sunday, September 10. The Walk progresses from St. Stanislaus Church to the Wardsville Lions Club (1.6 miles), where there are refreshments, lots of prizes and Pro-life displays by seven pro-life organizations. Bus transportation available to and from the event. Everyone is welcome, and there is no cost to attend. Donations are encouraged to help the pro-life cause! More information to come in the future!
Please join us as we act on ways to be LIFE AFFIRMING in our local communities of Wardsville and Osage Bend! We are a group who creatively explore many different facets of LIFE from CONCEPTION to NATURAL DEATH. Over the past several years we have:
- Donated proceeds from the Wardsville “Walk for Life” to 7 local Pro-life agencies
- Lead our parish school students on a Monthly LIFE Runners “Witness Walk”
- Hosted a St. Valentine’s Day party for our “seasoned” neighbors
- Sponsored the Cross Catholic Outreach project “Boxes of Joy” for children in Central America.
- Prepared meals for those in need at the Salvation Army
- Explored End of Life Issues by hosting a “Peace in Preparation” presentation.
- Sponsored a Drug Awareness presentation for parish youth.
- Played Miracle League Baseball with Special Needs young adults.
- Picked up Trash along Route W through the MODOT Adopt-a-Highway Program
- Assisted the Parish School in hosting a Baby Shower for our local Pregnancy Help Center and Birthright.
- Letter Writing Campaign for our Senior Citizens and Sick Parishioners.
There is SO MUCH MORE that can be done to show RESPECT FOR LIFE!
We meet every other month. All Parishioners from St. Stanislaus and St. Margaret of Antioch Parishes are welcome to join us.
We engage in REAL LIFE activities year round!
2024 Upcoming Meeting Dates and times:
All meetings will be held in the Parish Center at 6:00 pm unless noted otherwise.
March 3
May 5
July 7
September 8
November 3
Questions about our group can be directed to Jenny Lamb. 573-694-1153 or
Walk for Life
Additional Pro Life Opportunities